2021-22 Outcomes

At New Horizons we are passionate about equipping Southwest Florida’s most vulnerable children and youth with the tools they need to succeed in school and life. Below is a snapshot of the effectiveness of our comprehensive after-school programs.

Academic Outcomes

K-5th Grade Students 

  • 82% average improvement in reading skills from computerized pre and post assessments.  

  • 79% of students without a documented disability maintained a C or higher in reading

  • 90% of students had a gain of 8 words or more per minute after Super Kids Reading Camp

6th-12th Grade Students 

  • 90% of high school and middle school students had a GPA of 2.0 or higher

  • 100% of Super Teens graduated from high school 

  • 84% of students feel more prepared to be a leader in their community after Super Teens Leadership Camp

Social Skills

K-5th Grade Students 

  • 90% of students report that they listen to others better, can ask others for help and feel more comfortable speaking to adults since attending New Horizons.

6th-12th Grade Students 

  • 80% of students report that they listen to others better, can ask others for help and feel more comfortable speaking to adults since attending New Horizons.

Character Development

K-5th Grade Students 

  • 100% of parents stated that their child’s desire to be successful in school and get better grades has improved since attending New Horizons.

  • 94%  of students state that they work harder to get their homework completed and do better in school.

  • 95% of students teachers report that their students’ SKC attendance has had a positive impact on their academic performance

6th-12th Grade Students 

  • 100% of parents stated that their child’s desire to be successful in school and get better grades has improved since attending New Horizons.

  • 94% of parents stated that their child’s attitude and desire to go to school has improved since attending New Horizons.

Student Spotlights

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